2. Different Types of Auxiliary Aids and Services
Here are some examples of different auxiliary aids and services that may be used to provide effective communication for people with disabilities. But, remember, not all ways work for all people with disabilities or even for people with one type of disability. You must consult with the individual to determine what is effective for him or her.
qualified interpreters
screen readers
computer-aided real-time transcription (CART)
written materials
telephone handset amplifiers
assistive listening systems
hearing aid-compatible telephones
computer terminals
speech synthesizers
communication boards
text telephones (TTYs)
open or closed captioning
closed caption decoders
video interpreting services
videotext displays
description of visually presented materials
exchange of written notes
TTY or video relay service
text messaging
instant messaging
qualified readers
assistance filling out forms
taped texts
audio recordings
Brailled materials
large print materials
materials in electronic format (compact disc with materials in plain text or word processor format)
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