9.b [§ 4.7.5]
If the sidewalk at the top of the ramp (“x”) is less than 48 inches wide and the curb ramp you are surveying has flared sides, answer this question. Otherwise, skip this question.
To measure the slope of the curb ramp’s flared side, place a level on the flared side near the edge of the curb. The level should be placed so that it is parallel to the curb.
Answer this question only if X is less than 48"
Place the level in the same position and location as each of the arrows in the illustration to the left [below]. The slope of the curb ramp’s flared sides may not exceed 8.33 percent when there is less than 48 inches between the top of the curb ramp and the edge of the sidewalk at the other side (“x”).
Place The Level in the areas designated by the arrows to measure the slope of the flared sides
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