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Comparison: 2010 and 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design - Scoping Requirements

This document on scoping requirements and its companion document on technical requirements were created as references to understand the differences between the 1991 and the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. The documents only include sections of the Standards that are new or different.

These documents are intended as informal guidance; they have not been reviewed by any federal agencies.

208 Parking Spaces

1991 Standards for Accessible Design

2010 Standards for Accessible Design

What’s New/Different

4.1.2(5)(a) If parking spaces are provided for self-parking by employees or visitors, or both, then accessible spaces complying with 4.6 shall be provided in each such parking area in conformance with the table below. Spaces required by the table need not be provided in the particular lot. They may be provided in a different location if equivalent or greater accessibility, in terms of distance from an accessible entrance, cost and convenience is ensured.

208.1 General. Where parking spaces are provided, parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with 208.

Exceptions: Parking spaces used exclusively for buses, trucks, other delivery vehicles, law enforcement vehicles, or vehicular impound shall not be required to comply with 208 provided that lots accessed by the public are provided with a passenger loading zone complying with 503.

Exception is new


208.2.3 Residential Facilities. Parking spaces provided to serve residential facilities shall comply with 208.2.3.


4.1.2(5)(b) One in every eight accessible spaces, but not less than one, shall be served by an access aisle 96 in (2440 mm) wide minimum and shall be designated "van accessible" as required by 4.6.4. The vertical clearance at such spaces shall comply with 4.6.5. All such spaces may be grouped on one level of a parking structure. EXCEPTION: Provision of all required parking spaces in conformance with "Universal Parking Design" (see appendix A4.6.3) is permitted.

208.2.4 Van Parking Spaces. For every six or fraction of six parking spaces required by 208.2 to comply with 502, at least one shall be a van parking space complying with 502.

Change: Van parking space required for every 6 accessible spaces instead of 8.


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