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GSA BULLETIN FMR 2008-B3: Use of Segways® and Similar Devices by Individuals with a Mobility Impairment in GSA-Controlled Federal Facilities


The Segway must be operated in a manner that does not compromise the safety of the user, the building occupants or the building infrastructure.  Those individuals operating a Segway within a Federal building must remain in control at all times and must exercise caution when turning corners and entering or exiting elevators.  GSA requires users to operate their Segway at a speed no greater than a walking pace of three (3) miles per hour.  Security personnel, as well as GSA personnel and other agency personnel in delegated buildings, shall monitor, to the extent practical, the safe and responsible operation of Segway devices by their users.  Should security or building management personnel observe the unsafe operation of a Segway device, these individuals shall remind the user of their responsibility for the safe operation of the Segway and the user’s accountability for not operating the device at a speed that exceeds three (3) miles per hour.  


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