If you do not text, learn how, if possible. Texting is an important way to communicate when voice lines are down or clogged. Text messages have a better chance of getting through in emergencies, even when the internet, cellular and landline phone networks may be very slow or fail.1 Sending a text message to 911 is becoming an option in many areas. Check to see if or when this will be available in your area. For FCC information on where text-to-911 is available see http://www.fcc.gov/text-to-911
1 The Value of Text Messaging, http://www.resilientus.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Text_Messaging_1248261477.pdf
A person who texts has an 800-to-1 better chance of sending a message to someone in an emergency than using voice communications because a short message such as "imok," for I'm OK, requires 4 bytes using standard text messaging protocols, according to data from Robert Duncan, vice chancellor for research at the University of Missouri.
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