The Impact of Transfer Setup on the Performance of Independent Transfers: Phase I Final Report
Side guard protocol: From initial setup, two side guards adjusted 6” (15.2 cm) higher than the subject’s WMD seat were attached, and subjects were asked to perform a level height transfer. Then the height of the platform was adjusted incrementally in height: higher and lower than the subject’s seat and the maximum transfer heights high/low that were attainable were recorded (Figure 6). Then from initial setup, the horizontal distance between the wheelchair and platform was incrementally increased and the maximum attainable gap distance was recorded. For all transfers with the side guard, side guard height was adjusted to be 6” higher than the WMD seat when the platform was level or lowered and 6” above the platform height when the platform was raised.
Figure 6 . Subject transferring with the side guard in place and the transfer station higher than the wheelchair
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