Proceedings of: Workshop on Improving Building Design for Persons with Low Vision
Motivational Characteristics
You already know these things because you’ve already agreed pretty much on what motivational characteristics are:
Low vision makes us more dependent on our environment (slide 3)
Aging does the same as we compensate for increasing frailty and sensory loss (slide 3).
Low Vision Characteristics (slide 4):
Need more light.
More sensitive to glare.
Slower to adapt to different light levels.
Function better with high contrast on surfaces and tasks.
Good Lighting (slide 5).
Light levels adequate for the visual task.
Fixture design to promote glare reduction or elimination.
Fixtures placement to avoid direct & reflected glare, and shadows.
Light levels that are fairly uniform while still providing areas of interest.
[For example,] when we talk about defining edges of things: white is a better definer of an edge than a dark color.
One reason I feel that way is one of the first facilities that I was involved with was an assisted-living community, and there was an Alzheimer’s area.
What they would do is sometimes, in front of a doorway, there would be a cutout in the carpet and there would be a black circle there. It’s because Alzheimer’s patients wander continuously. A lot of them move all the time. And they were wandering into these spaces and taking things. So if they [staff] put a black circle in the carpet, and even though it wasn’t huge, they [patients] thought it was a hole, and they wouldn’t cross that area.
[Also the patients] had bracelets, but they could still go out [of] the doors and then we’d have to find them. So [staff] would put stripes on a flat area near the doors. [The patients] would think there were steps [at the area] and they couldn’t take their wheelchair out there or they were afraid to navigate them.
So black is not a color I’d use if I’m trying to help people get somewhere, because I know it’s a color that is used to prevent people from going places.
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