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11B- Test number one, individual building test.

It is not required by this code to provide an accessible route when the terrain of the site is such that both of the following apply:

1. The slopes of the undisturbed site measured in a straight line between the planned entrance and all vehicular or pedestrian arrival points within 50 feet (15,240 mm) of the planned entrance exceed 15 percent; and

2. The slopes of the planned finished grade measured between the entrance and all vehicular or pedestrian arrival points within 50 feet (15,240 mm) of the planned entrance also exceed 15 percent.

If there are no vehicular or pedestrian arrival points within 50 feet (15,240 mm) of the planned entrance, the slope for the purposes of Test No. 1 will be measured to the closest vehicular or pedestrian arrival point. For purposes of these requirements, vehicular or pedestrian site arrival points include public or resident parking areas, public transportation stops, passenger loading zones and public streets or sidewalks. To determine site impracticality, the slope would be measured at ground level from the point of the planned entrance on a straight line to:

1. Each vehicular or pedestrian arrival point that is within 50 feet (15,240 mm) of the planned entrance, or

2. If there are no vehicular or pedestrian arrival points within the specified area, the vehicular or pedestrian arrival point closest to the planned entrance.

In the case of sidewalks, the closest point to the entrance will be where a public sidewalk entering the site intersects with the walk to the entrance. In the case of resident parking areas, the closest point to the planned entrance will be measured from the entry point to the parking area that is located closest to the planned entrance.


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