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11B- Test number two, site analysis test.

For a site having multiple buildings, or a site with a single building with multiple entrances, it is not required to provide a building entrance on an accessible route to all ground floor units under the following conditions:

1. Calculate the percentage of the total buildable area of the undisturbed site with a natural grade less than 10 percent slope. The analysis of the existing slope (before grading) shall be done on a topographic survey with 2 foot (610 mm) contour intervals with slope determination made between each successive interval. The accuracy of the slope analysis shall be certified by a licensed engineer, landscape architect, architect or surveyor.

2. Determine the requirement of providing an accessible route to planned multifamily dwellings based on the topography of the existing natural terrain. The minimum percentage of ground floor units required on an accessible route shall equal the percentage of the total buildable area (not restricted-use areas, flood plains or wetlands) of the undisturbed site with an existing natural grade of less than 10 percent slope.

3. In addition to the percentage established in paragraph (2), all ground floor units in a building, or ground floor units served by a particular entrance onĀ an accessible route defined by a calculation of the straight line slope not exceeding 8.33 percent, between their planned entrances and an arrival point, shall be on an accessible route and comply with the provisions of Section 11B-809.6.

4. All additional ground floor units in a building, or ground floor units served by a particular entrance, not on an accessible route shall comply with the features listed in Section 11B-

5. In no case shall less than 20 percent of the ground floor dwelling units be on an accessible route and comply with the provisions of Sections 11B-809.6 through 11B-809.12.


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