2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)
11B- Alterations to individual residential dwelling units.
In individual residential dwelling units, where a bathroom or a kitchen is substantially altered, and at least one other room is altered, the requirements of Section 11B-233.3.1 shall apply to the altered residential dwelling units until the total number of residential dwelling units complies with the minimum number required by Sections 11B-, and 11B- Residential dwelling units required to comply with Section 11B- shall be on an accessible route as required by Section 11B-206.
Exception: Where facilities contain 15 or fewer residential dwelling units, the requirements of Sections 11B- and 11B- shall apply to the total number of residential dwelling units that are altered under a single contract, or are developed as a whole, whether or not located on a common site.
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