2022 California Standards for Accessible Design Guide (effective January 1, 2023)
11B-405.9 Edge protection.
Edge protection complying with Section 11B-405.9.2 shall be provided on each side of ramp runs and at each side of ramp landings.
[2010 ADA Standards] 405.9 Edge Protection. Edge protection complying with 405.9.1 or 405.9.2 shall be provided on each side of ramp runs and at each side of ramp landings.
- Edge protection shall not be required on ramps that are not required to have handrails and have sides complying with Section 11B-406.2.2.
- Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of ramp landings serving an adjoining ramp run or stairway.
- Edge protection shall not be required on the sides of ramp landings having a vertical drop-off of ½ inch (12.7 mm) maximum within 10 inches (254 mm) horizontally of the minimum landing area specified in Section 11B-405.7.
11B-405.9.1 Reserved.
[2010 ADA Standards] 405.9.1 Extended Floor or Ground Surface. The floor or ground surface of the ramp run or landing shall extend 12 inches (305 mm) minimum beyond the inside face of a handrail complying with 505.
[2010 ADA Standards] Advisory 405.9.1 Extended Floor or Ground Surface. The extended surface prevents wheelchair casters and crutch tips from slipping off the ramp surface.
11B-405.9.2 Curb or barrier.
A curb or barrier shall be provided that prevents the passage of a 4-inch (102 mm) diameter sphere, where any portion of the sphere is within 4 inches (102 mm) of the finish floor or ground surface. To prevent wheel entrapment, the curb or barrier shall provide a continuous and uninterrupted barrier along the length of the ramp.
FIGURE 11B-405.9.2 ‡‡
ETA Editor's Note
CBC requires either a curb or a barrier for edge protection at ramps, and does not recognize the extended floor or ground surface also permitted by 2010 ADA Standards.
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