Accessible Classroom - Chevron Style
This style of classroom set-up affords the greatest flexibility and space for access. Chevron style allows better line of sight for speakers and attendees and easier entry for those using mobility devices. In either type of classroom plan, remove two chairs for each wheelchair or scooter space. Offer multiple access points and choices of where to sit. It is never appropriate to require that people using mobility devices sit only in the back or in one designated area. Click [here] ... for a full-page, printable handout.
Accessible Chevron Set-Up Preferred over accessible classroom set-up. Remove two chairs for each mobility device space. Oer multiple choices of where to sit. Increase the amount of accessible seating based on the known or anticipated number of mobility device users expected at your event. Note minimum widths for center and side aisles, and for the distance between accessible and standard rows.
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