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Dan Woosley

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Senior Associate, Evan Terry Associates

Accessible Design and ADA Specialist


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Voices Activity

Dan Woosley

Directional visual sign vs. room identification tactile sign

General Comment or Question

Just a clarification comment on this particular sign.  The arrow appears to indicate that this specific sign is a...

August 30, 2016 at 1:08PM

By Dan Woosley - 36 views, 0 replies

Dan Woosley

Angled Van Parking

General Comment or Question

This is an excellent summary of the restriping requirements from the Standards, written in plain English. I plan to give a...

December 02, 2015 at 4:12PM

By Dan Woosley - 40 views, 0 replies

Dan Woosley

Caution regarding minimum Aisle Widths for aisles that serve "elements on both sides"

General Comment or Question

As a heads up, care should be taken in applying the technical aspects of 11B-403.5.1, Exception 4 re: minimum aisle width...

August 14, 2015 at 10:08AM

By Dan Woosley - 55 views, 1 replies

Dan Woosley

Where do I measure for a handrail extension?

Professional Interpretation or Opinion

A building official on a new construction project that we were consulting for raised a question regarding where to...

May 01, 2015 at 5:05PM

By Dan Woosley - 110 views, 0 replies

Dan Woosley

Accessible Route to Dumpster and Enclosure

Professional Interpretation or Opinion

The purpose of this interpretation is to address the question of whether or not an accessible route is required by the ADA...

April 10, 2015 at 12:04PM

By Dan Woosley - 212 views, 1 replies

Dan Woosley

This is a great unit but it's not "recessed", it's semi-recessed.

User Review: Rating: 5 stars

If you place this unit next to the accessible lavatory or other required clear space and don't allow room for the...

April 07, 2015 at 5:04PM

By Dan Woosley - 28 views, 0 replies